In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips!

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Be Green with Holiday Gift Wrap

In my attempt to live a life that is more green, I am no longer buying gift wrap. Don't get me wrong, I love beautiful gift wrap. However, wrapping paper is another area where you cannot only save money for the holidays but also where you could live more green.

Most of us have newspapers, ads, magazines, and tissue paper that could be reused creatively to wrap gifts. Use your imagination. You could go for a black and white theme using newspaper offset by beautiful red curling ribbon. Or you could go for more colorful wrapping paper using advertisement inserts from the Sunday paper. You could also use plain white paper and create your own patterned gift wrap.

Rather than buy new gift cards, consider using your old holiday cards to add a special touch to your packages.

Save money, live green and show your creativity!

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